
CM detector RNA Switch™ and CM purifier RNA Switch™

CM detector RNA SwitchTM(P-0002)

CM detector RNA SwitchTM can be used for cardiomyocytes.

CM detector RNA SwitchTM uses a fluorescent protein as a marker gene that can be used as a fluorescence confirmation tool and can be used with the Control Detector RNA SwitchTM (P-0001) as a control.

CM detector RNA swtich.JPGのサムネイル画像


CM purifier RNA SwitchTM(P-0004)

CM purifier RNA SwitchTM can be used for cardiomyocytes.

CM purifier RNA SwitchTM is designed for a cell selection tool because it uses an apoptosis protein as a marker gene and should be co-introduced with puro- resistant mRNATM (P-0007) to eliminate non-transfected cells. This makes it possible to select cells with high efficiency.

CM purifier RNA switch.JPG


Product information

Product name Cat.No. Size* Storage
CM detector RNA SwitchTM P-0002 9μg -80℃
CM purifier RNA SwitchTM P-0004 9μg -80℃


Related product

Product name Cat.No. Size* Storage
Control detector RNA SwitchTM P-0001 9μg -80℃
puro resistant mRNATM P-0007 9μg -80℃


※The amount guarantees minimum 9μg.

RNA SwitchTM series is registered trademark of aceRNA Technologies Co., Ltd.