
Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel


Bullet Train Image

  • Only 10 minutes with 400 V
  • High transfer efficiency of proteins on western blot membrane
  • Works well in conventional Laemmli running buffer and sample buffer
  • 17-well gel is usable with multichannel pipet for consistent loading

>> Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel vs Laemmli gel 16x (YouTube)

>> How to remove the comb method 1 (YouTube) , method 2 (YouTube)

Product Information

Performance Comparison

Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel can produce an excellent separation image with the shortest electrophoresis.

Product Name Bullet PAGE One Company A Company B
Gel % 5 - 15% 4 - 15% 4 - 12%
Product No. 13079-84 - -
Electrophoresis Time 11 min. 33 min. 50 min.

Electrophoresis condition

Sample: Protein Markers(10x)(Prod No. 29458-24), 5 µl
Gel Staining: CBB Stain One (Prod No. 04543)
Voltage Constant: Bullet PAGE One: 400V, Company A and Company B: 200V

Comparison of Protein Transfer Efficiency

Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel indicates obviously higher protein transfer efficiency than company A’s, even though blotting time was only 10 min.


① Protein Ladder One(Triple-color)(Product No. : 09547-74) 
② Protein Markers(3x) 2 µl added
④ Protein Markers(1x) 2 µl added
⑤ Protein Markers(1/3) 2 µl added


Use Semi ‐ dry Blotting Buffer Solution for Western Blotting (Product No.: 30650-31)
(Transfer time : 10 min. and 20 min. 10V)

PVDF membrane staining

Stain PVDF membrane with CBB Stain One (Product No. : 04543).

Gel Types

Gel Gradient Gel Single Percentage Gel
Gel % 5 - 11% 5 - 15% 6% 8%
Product No. 13 well
17 well
Electrophoresis Images

Product Specification

Glass Plate Size: W100mm x H80mm x T3.2mm
Gel Size: W80mm x H60mm x T1.0mm
Sample Well Configuration / Recommended Load Volume: 13-well / < 20 µl, 17-well / < 14 µl


Coomassie brilliant blue staining and western blotting

The western blot is a composite image using different exposure times for each protein. This data shows that Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel is compatible with CBB staining and western blot techniques.

Data courtesy of professor Tatsuya Moriyama , Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University


Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel vs Laemmli gel 16x

How to remove the comb (method 1)

How to remove the comb (method 2)


Bullet PAGE One Precast Gelpdf (100 KB)


Bullet PAGE One Precast Gelpdf (PDF 1.5 MB)

Ordering Information

Product Name Well Storage Product No. PKG Size Price
Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel, 5-11% 13 R 13077-04 10 Sheets e-Nacalai
Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel, 5-11% 17 R 13078-94 10 Sheets
Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel, 5-15% 13 R 13079-84 10 Sheets
Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel, 5-15% 17 R 13080-44 10 Sheets
Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel, 6% 13 R 13081-34 10 Sheets
Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel, 6% 17 R 13082-24 10 Sheets
Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel, 8% 13 R 13083-14 10 Sheets
Bullet PAGE One Precast Gel, 8% 17 R 13084-04 10 Sheets

(Storage) RT: Room temperature, A: Cool and dark, R: Refrigerator, F: Freeze

Related Product

WEP-MN Vertical Electrophoresis Tank

Product Name: WEP-MN Vertical Electrophoresis Tank
Product No.: WEP-MN
Size: W134 x D84 x H140 (mm)
Required Buffer Volume: 550 ml