
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel

Extra PAGE One Precast Gel is mini-size neutral pH precast gel for SDS-PAGE that offers superior resolution and higher transfer efficiency than conventional precast gels.


  • Superior resolution
  • Sharp bands
  • High transfer efficiency
  • Long shelf life: up to 9 months
  • Compatible with conventional laemmli sample and running buffers

Product Information


Comparison of Resolution

Extra PAGE One Precast Gel offers higher resolution compared to conventional precast gels. Especially 5-20% gradient gel and 12.5% gel provide improved resolution for low molecular weight.

Gel Gradient Gels Fixed Percentage Gels
Product Name Extra PAGE One Company A Extra PAGE One Company B Extra PAGE One Company A
Gel% 5 - 20% 4 - 20% 5 - 20% 5 - 20% 12.50% 12.50%
Product No. 11955-54 - 11955-54 - 11965-24 -
Migration patterns 5-20% 4-20% 5-20% 5-20%

< Sample > Protein Markers (Product No.: 29458-24) 5ul.
< Staining > CBB Stain One (Product No.: 04543)
< Electrophoresis condition > Extra PAGE One Precast Gel: 30mA (constant current) , approx. 50min.
Company A and B: followed the manufacturer’ s instructions

Comparison of Transfer Efficiency-1

Extra PAGE One Precast Gel offers higher transfer efficiency compared to Company A for both high and low molecular weight proteins.

Comparison Data

  • Protein ladder One (Triple-color) (Product No. 09547)
  • 2 ul of Protein Markers (3x)
  • 2 ul of Protein Markers (1x)
  • 2 ul of Protein Markers (1/3)
  • 10 ul of Bio-Rad Precision Plus ProteinTM , KaleidoscopeTM
Transfer Semi-dry with PVDF membrane and Blotting Buffer Solution for Western Blotting (Product No.: 30650-31) (Transfer time 20 min with 10V constant current)
Staining CBB Stain One (Product No.: 04543)

Comparison of Transfer Efficiency-2

Extra PAGE One Precast Gel offers higher transfer efficiency compared to Company B for high molecular weight proteins.

Comparison Data

  • 2 ul of Protein Markers (3x)
  • 2 ul of Protein Markers (1x)
  • 2 ul of Protein Markers (1/3)
Transfer Semi-dry with PVDF membrane and Blotting Buffer Solution for Western Blotting (Product No.: 30650-31)
(Transfer time 20 min with 10V constant current)
Staining CBB Stain One (Product No.: 04543)

Product Lines

Extra PAGE One Precast Gel is available in gradient gels and fixed percentage gels.

Gel Gradient Gels
Gel % 5 - 10% 5 - 20% 7.5 - 15% 10 - 20%
Separation Range 35 - 450K 10 - 350K 15 - 300K 8 - 200K
Product No. 12well/16well 11953-74 /
11955-54 /
11957-34 /
11959-14 /
Migration patterns 5-10% 5-20% 7.5-15% 10-20%
Gel Fixed Percentage Gels
Gel % 7.50% 10% 12.50% 15%
Separation Range 40 - 350K 25 - 250K 15 - 200K 10 - 150K
Product No. 12well/16well 11961-64 /
11963-44 /
11965-24 /
11967-04 /
Migration patterns 7.5% 10% 12% 15%

Note) Back ground may remain slightly when using Nacalai's Rapid Stain CBB Kit (Product No.: 30035-14) or other products. To reduce back ground, wash the gel with 10% acetic acid for 20 minutes.


Cassette Size: 100mm(W)× 100mm(H) × 3.2mm(T) (Glass)
Gel Size: 80mm(W) × 80mm(H) × 1.0mm(T)
Well: 12wells, 16wells
Shelf Life Expire date: 9 month

Note) Use electrophoresis tank for plate size 100mm(W) × 100mm(H) × 3.2mm(T).


Further Analysis

Compatible with MS analysis

Extra PAGE One Precast Gel can be used not only for CBB stain or silver stain but also for MS analysis of bands which cut off from gel.

10% Fixed Percentage Gels

10% Fixed Gels

Extra PAGE One Precast Gels 7.5-15% Gels

7.5-15% Gels

Bovine Serum Albumin samples (Product No. 01859) were run on SDS-PAGE gels either 10% fixed percentage gel or Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 7.5-15%. The recovered samples from SDS-PAGE gels were digested with trypsin and analyzed by MALDI-MS. The peptide fragments from both gels were clearly detected.

Data courtesy of Associate Professor Tatsuya Moriyama and Dr. Yukihiro Yoshimura, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Kinki University

Compatible with MS/MS analysis

Compatible with MS/MS analysis MS/MS data of band 2
Result MS/MS data

Data Left : lane A: Protein Ladder One, Triple-color (Product No. : 09547) , was applied to Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 5-20%. Band 2,3,5,6,7,10 on SDS-PAGE were analyzed by MS.
Data right: Protein of band 2 was analyzed by MS/MS, and identified as Glutamate-ammonia-ligase.

MS/MS data of band 6 MS/MS data of band 10
MS/MS data MS/MS data

Protein of band 6 and 10 were also analyzed by MS/MS and identified as 3-dehydroquinate synthase and moaD respectively. All other bands were also identified by MS/MS showing compatibility with MS/MS.

Data courtesy of Mr.Naohiro Matori, Kyoto municipal institute of industrial technology and culture


Extra PAGE One Precast Gel pdf (PDF 3MB)

Ordering Information

Product Name Number of Well Grade Storage Product No. Price
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 5-10% 13 SP R 13059-44 e-Nacalai
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 5-10% 17 SP R 13060-04
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 5-15% 13 SP R 13061-94
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 5-15% 17 SP R 13062-84
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 5-20% 13 SP R 13063-74
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 5-20% 17 SP R 13064-64
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 7.5-15% 13 SP R 13065-54
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 7.5-15% 17 SP R 13066-44
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 10-20% 13 SP R 13067-34
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 10-20% 17 SP R 13068-24
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 7.5% 13 SP R 13069-14
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 7.5% 17 SP R 13070-74
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 10% 13 SP R 13071-64
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 10% 17 SP R 13072-54
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 12.5% 13 SP R 13073-44
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 12.5% 17 SP R 13074-34
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 15% 13 SP R 13075-24
Extra PAGE One Precast Gel 15% 17 SP R 13076-14

(Storage) RT: Room temperature, A: Cool and dark, R: Refrigerator, F: Freeze